[vcf-midatlantic] Apple Newton MessagePad books free

Michael Kato michael.kato at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 09:42:19 EST 2017

I have the following for local pickup in Alexandria/Crystal City VA.  I
will also ship if you pay for shipping(qualifies for media mail)


Defying Gravity: The making of Newton - Menuez

Apple MessagePad Handbook

Newton Programmer's Guide for Newton 2.0 1996
ISBN 0-201-47947-8

Newton Toolkit User's Guide
The NewtonScript Programming Language
Newton Press User's Guide for Windows

Programming for the Newton: Software development with NewtonScript
ISBN 0-12-484800-1

Programming for the Newton using Windows: Software development with
ISBN 0-12-484840-3

Newton UserInterface Guidelines
ISBN 0-201-28838-8

The Newton PDA Platform: A technology and feature analysys (booklet)

PDA Developers - Volume 3.1 - Jan/Feb 1995

Newton Technology Journal - Volume 11, Number 3 - June 1996


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