[vcf-midatlantic] OT: Wi-fi range extender

Chris Fala chrisjpf33 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 05:56:04 EDT 2017

Is there a drop ceiling? Run a cable, skip WiFi. I understand that may not be possible in this case but wired is always my first choice.

On Jul 14, 2017, at 1:29 AM, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:

It's for work. I work at a Taekwondo school. The router is on one side of
the building. And I sit on the other side of the building down a long
hallway. Lots of interference from walls and distance I'm sure.

On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 1:08 AM, Dean Notarnicola <dnotarnicola at gmail.com>

> Same breaker box. I wish I was lucky enough to have a house so big that it
> needed more then one 😬
> Not an issue for most people.
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 10:46 PM Jeffrey Brace <ark72axow at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> In case you are confused what I am talking about, I am quoting from the
>> amazon website:
>> http://tinyurl.com/y9x36rzx
>> https://www.amazon.com/Extender-Powerline-Starter-300Mbps-Wireless/dp/
>> B00HSQAIQU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500000200&sr=8-1&
>> keywords=TP+Link+AV500+Wi+Fi+Range+Extender%2C+Powerline+
>> Edition+Starter+Kit+w%2F+2+LAN+Ports%2C+Up+to+300Mbps+Wireless
>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 10:18 PM, Jeffrey Brace <ark72axow at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> What does it mean?
>>> Please ensure the adapters are connected on the same circuit
>>> and
>>> Works over circuits on the same panel
>>> It can be on the same breaker box or must be on the same breaker?
>>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 8:38 PM, Dean Notarnicola <
>>> dnotarnicola at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Easy and reliable. I use them in my house, even for the streaming
>>>> server. I don't think about them; they just work.
>>>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 8:37 PM Jeffrey Brace <ark72axow at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I mostly just want something that works, I'm willing to pay $50 if it
>>>>> will be easy and reliable. I say free because there is no risk in trying it.
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 8:32 PM, Dean Notarnicola <
>>>>> dnotarnicola at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Forget the range extenders; they stink. Get this:
>>>>>> TP Link AV500 Wi Fi Range Extender, Powerline Edition Starter Kit w/
>>>>>> 2 LAN Ports, Up to 300Mbps Wireless
>>>>>> $50 on Amazon
>>>>>> More than your budget, but ridiculously easy setup, great performance
>>>>>> and you can put it where you need it.
>>>>>> Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 6:53 PM Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic <
>>>>>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm in need of a wifi range extender for a Verizon FIOS router. Does
>>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>> have one for free or near free that they no longer need? I see one on
>>>>>>> Amazon for $20. I wonder how easy it is to configure and how
>>>>>>> reliable it is.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ========================================================
>>>>>>> Jeff Brace
>>>>>>> ========================================================
>>>>> --
>>>>> ========================================================
>>>>> Jeff Brace
>>>>> ========================================================
>>> --
>>> ========================================================
>>> Jeff Brace
>>> ========================================================
>> --
>> ========================================================
>> Jeff Brace
>> ========================================================

Jeff Brace

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