[vcf-midatlantic] VME Graphics Cards

John Heritage john.heritage at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 15:41:20 EDT 2017

Thanks - there were drivers written for several VME cards to work on the TT
or MegaSTE.  ET4000 (Tseng 4000) chipset cards for example are supported

Found it - here are a list of VME cards supported on Mega STE and TT:


On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Ethan <telmnstr at 757.org> wrote:

> Has anyone ever come across any VME graphics cards?
>> I have an Atari Mega STE with an unused VME slot, and would love to have
>> some higher resolution output for that machine than what the stock ST
>> chips
>> provide..
>> Just figure I'd ask..
> The Atari VME slot is a single connector I'd guess, given the size of the
> machine. There were frames to put SGI desktop video boards in the larger
> deskside and full rack SGIs via the VME slot side... but they were usually
> 2 connectors I think, and the video card set (ELAN from Indigo?) wouldn't
> fit.
> Plus you'd have to write all the software to make it work.
> No idea if there were VME accessories ever produced for the Atari ST
> computers.
> Probably would be easier to go VME to PCI and use a WinTel graphics card
> after writing software to drive it.
> (I actually have a TT030 and I think it has a VME slot as well, but it's
> empty.)

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