[vcf-midatlantic] Finished code for Lego robot

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Tue Mar 7 19:55:42 EST 2017

If anyone's interested, here is the finished code for Leinad Legobot.

The new 4000 routine detects touch sensors to make the forklift stop at 
its upper/lower limits, rather than keep moving even though there's no 
place to go. We couldn't get it working with the optical sensors 
(various reasons) so I called an audible to switch to the touch sensors. 
That works much better. Kudos to Dan for perfecting the code behind 
this. Kudos also to Paul H. for teaching me (several versions ago) what 
was wrong with my joystick navigation code.

Plain text version: http://www.vcfed.org/evan/lego/robot.txt

Easy-on-the-eyes version: http://www.vcfed.org/evan/lego/robot.pdf

My plan now is bring this to Trenton, exhibit it at Southeast, expand it 
into a game at Kfest (if I can go), and then make it the centerpiece of 
the permanent Lego learning station in our museum. I'll make a big 
kid-friendly flow chart poster to go with that last part.

Evan Koblentz, director
Vintage Computer Federation
a 501(c)3 educational non-profit

evan at vcfed.org
(646) 546-9999


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