[vcf-midatlantic] Introductions

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Tue Mar 7 20:56:45 EST 2017

> I'm 39 and live in the Northern VA area, near Dulles.  The first computer I
> ever touched was a C64 at around 4 years old.  The first computer that I
> ever owned was a TI-99/4a that a neighbor gave me in the late 90's, but by
> then I'd already discovered the Apple IIe's and IBM PC XT's at the local
> library.  Now I've got a 4 year old daughter and I want to introduce her to
> computers outside the world of her iPad, so I'm probably going to start her
> with an Apple II or C64 of her own.
> I write Python for a living, and in my spare time I like photography,
> amateur radio and electronics in general.  I've got a quadcopter that I
> built, flew once and crashed and a large R/C helicopter that I've never
> flown.  I'll be at the Northern VA Maker Faire on March 19 at the ham radio
> table if anyone in the area wants to stop by and say hello.

Welcome! You will fit in here.

We have a lot of members in the greater DC region.

You should come to VCF East at our facility in central New Jersey. Bring 
your daughter.


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