[vcf-midatlantic] VCF-E stuff for sale
info at reactivemicro.com
Tue Mar 28 21:11:25 EDT 2017
Hello Jeff.
As you may know I sell the ReActiveMicro Universal PSU Kit and
MicroDrive/Turbo. Any interest in a trade for a Kit or MDT for the IIgs?
Free hand delivery. :-)
Let me know. Thanks!
Henry S. Courbis
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On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 8:40 PM, Jeff Galinat via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I figured I would post a partial list of the items I will be selling at
> VCF-E over the weekend in case anyone was looking for something in
> particular.
> Apple IIgs with 5.25 drive & 1mb additional memory card ($100) or ($130
> with JVC monitor)
> PCjr system, boxes, manuals, monitor, sidecars & more ($200) (still to be
> tested)
> IBM PC Convertible (trying to locate a suitable PS in my stash along with
> DOS 4.0) about $80
> I hope to set up a demo 2 board S-100 system with the two boards below if
> I have time
> S-100 MiniFP ($200) (mini IMSAI type front panel - tested & working)
> S-100 8080 JAIR board SBC ($300)
> Assorted S-100 boards mostly memory - most tested ($10 to $90)
> IBM 8 & 16 bit cards ($8 to $15)
> Livermore Labs 8080 trainer ($130)
> Z-80 trainer ($120)
> Heathkit ET-3400 trainer ($75)
> Heathkit 8085 trainer ($90)
> CPU & support chips
> Memory chips
> Please let me know if you would like more info.
> Regards,
> Jeff
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