[vcf-midatlantic] [OT] DC-Area Workshop - September 16th and 17th - Middletown, MD
alex bodnar
abodnar at zoominternet.net
Thu Sep 14 13:45:01 EDT 2017
Alex J,
is there anyone else who said they would come over on saturday??
if not, i will make it sunday and let you and the family have all day at
Andrews AFB.
Alex B.
At 11:42 AM 9/12/2017 -0400, you wrote:
>So, after discussing it with my wife, we'll still host the workshop, for
>anyone who wants to come, this weekend.
>Given the small attendance (or none, at this point?), we will play it by
>ear, on the schedule. Jonathan Sturges and I will be there, and anyone
>else who wants to come is welcome. I think that we are going to go to the
>Air Show at Andrews AFB, some time on Saturday afternoon, and anyone who
>wants is welcome to join us.
>So, if you're coming, let me know, and I'll make sure that there is space
>for you.
>- Alex
>On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 6:45 PM, J. Alexander Jacocks <jjacocks at gmail.com>
>> I'm starting to think that September isn't a good time, as I only have 1+
>> confirmed.
>> So, unless I hear differently in the next day, I'll reschedule this for
>> another time.
>> Thanks!
>> - Alex
>> On Sun, Sep 3, 2017 at 14:56 Jason Perkins via vcf-midatlantic <
>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
>>> We'll be at Poolsville Drive Electric Day on the 16th, but I should be
>>> able
>>> to make it on the 17th.
>>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 5:04 PM J. Alexander Jacocks via vcf-midatlantic <
>>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
>>> > All,
>>> >
>>> > Since VCF can't do a workshop, due to facilities usage conflicts, this
>>> > fall, I'd like to offer to host a smaller workshop, at my house, in
>>> > Middletown, MD.
>>> >
>>> > I have a 3-car detached garage of about 960ft^2 that we can use for the
>>> > purpose. There is air conditioning, and a refrigerator, for drinks. I
>>> > have plenty of power, and some table space.
>>> >
>>> > Please bring yourselves, your projects, folding chairs, folding tables
>>> (if
>>> > you have them), and anything else that you might want. We will provide
>>> > some drinks (but feel free to bring your favorite), and are willing to
>>> > order lunch, based on the requests of the attendees.
>>> >
>>> > We have very limited space in the house, but talk to me, if you want to
>>> > stay the night. There are hotels not so very far away.
>>> >
>>> > Date: September 16th and 17th, 2017
>>> > Time: Starting 10:00am Saturday, ending Sunday around 5:00pm
>>> > Place: Alex's house, Middletown, MD
>>> >
>>> > Please RSVP, so that I know who is coming, and when. I'll provide
>>> > directions directly to the attendees.
>>> >
>>> > I asked Evan, before posting this, to make sure that this wasn't going
>>> to
>>> > conflict with VCF needs, as this is definitely NOT an official VCF
>>> event.
>>> >
>>> > Hope to see you here!
>>> > - Alex
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Jason Perkins 313 355 0085 <(313)%20355-0085> Sent from my iPhone
Alex M. Bodnar
amateur Radio: K3CIM
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