[vcf-midatlantic] Moved the UNIVAC!

Douglas Crawford touchetek at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 21:43:40 EDT 2018

Very very nice!!!

On 4/12/2018 10:42 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> Me, Tony, Bill Drom., Bill I., and Dan J. all moved the UNIVAC onto 
> its new pallets today.
> Here is the "after" picture: https://tinyurl.com/ycjp28yw.
> You can see how the new pallets are all plywood on top (not 
> spaced-apart boards like a warehouse pallet), painted to match (thanks 
> to Laura), and designed to perfectly fit the width of each component 
> (thanks to Drom). The pallet left of the desk is wider to hold the 
> Signal Data Converter and the paper tape I/O console together, because 
> those are small components.
> At an upcoming work day (probably the April workshop) we'll move the 
> components about one foot farther back on the pallets. That way we can 
> bolt down the CPU and tape drive, which makes it safe to open upper 
> cabinets without risk of anything tipping forward.
> We'll probably touch up the paint on some of the pallets and maybe 
> also touch up parts of the wall this weekend. Another thing we might 
> do is add a trim piece across the front of all three pallets for 
> better looks.
> We moved the switcher rack (basically a giant A/B switch!) back into 
> the warehouse.
> In addition to making the exhibit look nicer, this project also gives 
> us several more feet of empty space where the center aisle begins near 
> the museum front door. We're planning to move the "featured artifact"* 
> exhibit to that spot.
> -Evan
> * Formerly "Artifact of the Month"; changed the name because we never 
> got around to changing it every month!
> ________________________________
> Evan Koblentz, executive director
> Vintage Computer Federation
> a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit
> evan at vcfed.org
> (646) 546-9999
> www.vcfed.org
> facebook.com/vcfederation
> twitter.com/vcfederation
> instagram.com/vcfederation

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