[vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XIII - NEEDED = Camcorder operator, camcorder

Ethan O'Toole telmnstr at 757.org
Mon Apr 23 00:13:26 EDT 2018

> We are down one camcorder operator and camera for video recording our
> Friday classes.
> We have exactly enough.
> That means I have to step in to give others breaks.
> I'm looking for another operator to be in the rotation of filming the
> classes.
> We also need another camcorder to record the classes.

I have 3 Canon Vixia series HD cameras. They can use high class SD cards 
for direct recording to card. I won't be available to run the camera(s), 
but can supply them (will be doing a table).

I also have a full Blackmagic ATEM HD switcher rig with HDMI to HD-SDI 
converters, coax, and a rack with two 7" preview monitors + laptop. It can 
do direct to disk H264 encoding and what not, and has multiview support 
where you can see all the cameras and switch between them. Possible to do 
multicamera switched recording with it -- but someone else would have to 
take on the recording and mixing part. But hardware is available for use 
if desired.

Here is my AV/Laser show/Lighting inventory if anything from it would be 
useful for VCF let me know. I am kind of a music / AV hardware geek as 
well as retro computers and arcades/pinballs:


 		- Ethan

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