[vcf-midatlantic] forum posting problem

Douglas Crawford touchetek at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 18:37:13 EDT 2018

OK I tried- I started a message and let it timeout but when I logged 
back in
my message was simply intact.
So now I don't know if the recovery functionality has changed
from what I saw before.

On 4/23/2018 5:58 PM, Douglas Crawford wrote:
> I've had the system timeout on me too-
> I don't have a screen shot, but after I logged back in, somewhere below
> the editing portion was a link to recover the last post-in-progress.
> I forget the exact wording, but several times I have successfully used
> that facility and continued where I left off before I was "rudely 
> interrupted".
> Since I discovered it I have not lost any unfinished posts.
> It is obtuse but it worked.
> I'll see if I can force it to happen and show you all.
> On 4/23/2018 1:16 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
>>> The guy who lives across the street from the museum makes his living
>>> by writing custom extensions and modifications to Vbulletin and its
>>> descendants.  Let me know if you'd like me to put you in touch with 
>>> him.
>> Couldn't hurt! You know how to reach me. Thanks

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