[vcf-midatlantic] Important note(s) for workshop this weekendp

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Tue Aug 7 17:02:20 EDT 2018

A month-ish ago, we announced that this weekend's repair workshop would 
be in the small room down the hallway from our museum building (9010-A) 
rather than the usual large room in the other building (9032-A) due to 
lower attendance at the last two summer workshops.

Inevitably, more people signed up for this weekend than the smaller room 
can fit! So I changed it back to 9032-A.  :)

Here is the signup link: https://tinyurl.com/y7mm872f

PARKING UPDATE: InfoAge volunteers are starting to build Halloween props 
in the grass field behind 9032-A, so park on the road behind the 
building, NOT in the field unless you want them to decorate your car....

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