[vcf-midatlantic] AT&T Technical Workstation / Counterpoint C-19

Herb Johnson hjohnson at retrotechnology.info
Tue Aug 21 17:16:49 EDT 2018

Computerworld Nov 16, 1987
title "Counterpoint, Multitech join"

San jose CA - Counterpoint Computers last week completed a merger with 
Multitech Industrial Corp, a member of the MSC Group, a Tiawanese 
comglomerate.... founder and President Pauline Alker.... headquarters 
here. ... Founded in 1984, privately held Counterpoint ... investors are 
AT&T and Kyocera Corp.

book Distinguished Asian American Business Leaders
By Naomi Hirahara

Pauline Lo Alker, who entered the computer field in the 1960's, 
pioneered the way for Asian American women to excel in high technology.
In 1984 Alker and the director of engineering of her division at 
Convergent decided to launch their own enterprise, Counterpoint 
Computers Inc, in San Jose. ... the Tiawanese company Acer, became one 
of Counterpoint's largest customers...she later became the president of 
Acer America's sales and operating division.

"google is our friend"

Herbert R. Johnson, New Jersey in the USA
http://www.retrotechnology.com OR .net

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