[vcf-midatlantic] Free stuff at Festivus

Dean Notarnicola dnotarnicola at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 11:53:33 EST 2018

I'd love a copy of dead Mac scrolls!

On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 11:51 AM David Riley via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I meant to post this a few weeks ago, but better late than never.
> I’m bringing a bunch of stuff from David Ryskalczyk (who is sadly unable
> to attend) that he’s offloading, including:
> - A number of good books (including two copies of The Dead Mac Scrolls,
> which is the best reference book for repairing early Macs, hands down)
> - A few box of PowerBook Duo 200-series parts (including batteries, which
> are compatible with the PowerBook 500 series, and will probably need to be
> re-celled, but there are companies that still do that for those batteries)
> - Two NeXT laser printers (I believe one is claimed by VCF, but the other
> one is up for grabs)
> - A few other things
> Please take them home so I don’t have to bring them back. I’ll be
> surprised if most of them don’t find homes, they’re good things, but I’ve
> already picked over the bits I can reasonably keep.
> - Dave

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