[vcf-midatlantic] Museum Report - Sunday 2/18/2018

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Mon Feb 19 13:22:16 EST 2018

> We had two sets of interested visitors that both enjoyed the exhibits.
> Chris Fala was co-docent for the day.


> Tony also told us about the changes that had been made to the Apple II
> and showed us how to start the disk slide show from the integer ROM 
> prompt.
> He also showed us how to get the NeXT started and properly shut it 
> down without
> logging out. (So no login is needed on the next power up, which is nicer)

Adam set a SU password so we don't have some kid go into the console and 
type an rm command.

> If you live within a few hours of Wall Township consider doing it once 
> a quarter.  And keep in mind, if you don't docent, its really nice to 
> have club members drop by and visit.


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