[vcf-midatlantic] The important info for the workshop of repair occurring March 3 & 4, 2018

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Tue Feb 27 20:21:26 EST 2018

Blackjack! There are 21 people coming to the workshop. Good turnout.

On 02/24/2018 05:41 PM, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> As a reminder the workshop is $10 *per* person, *per* day. Sorry this
> InfoAge's rule and not our decision. So that means for two days it is $20.
> Some people didn't realize this last workshop. This has been in effect
> since June 2017.
> If you have signed up, then you are guaranteed a table, otherwise you have
> to beg for forgiveness and bribe me with my favorite snack.
> DATE: Mar 3 & 4, 2018
> InfoAge Building 9032A - (2201 Marconi Road, Wall Township, NJ)
> Start about 10 A.M. on Saturday and ends whenever we go to sleep.
> End about 5 P.M. on Sunday. (Starts around 10 A.M. Sunday morning)
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/123vqgOH6iteYwHwLiANXmdSUvZOTEMTArZRvSk2RR3Q/edit?usp=sharing
> - $10 per person, PER day. This is required by InfoAge for us to pay for
> renting the space.
> - $25 for those wanting to stay overnight.
> Please pay me when you get there so that I don't forget. Otherwise I will
> send my attack cat to find you. Seriously, it's a pain to have to chase
> people around for money. It's not a fun job, but it is necessary because we
> rent the place from InfoAge and the dorms from the Sandy group.
> OVERNIGHT: Bring your own pillow, blankets, soap etc. We provide a bed
> frame and an uncovered mattress. There are showers and a kitchen for your
> use.
> - We will have PayPal credit card swipes available. Let me know ahead of
> time if you want to use this and I will set it up, otherwise it will *not*
> be available. It takes me time to make sure it located and setup properly.
> - VCF will provide a table and you can use any available electrical outlet.
> - Bring your own tools, power strips, power cords, and supplies etc.
> - Please bring an extra one or two power cords as these are often forgotten
> by people.
> You should bring your own. I would recommend bringing a cooler of some
> type.
> You provide your own. We usually order pizza, subs or go out to a dinner
> and everyone pays their own way. Usually, we make a decision when everyone
> gets hungry.
> During the hours from 1 pm to 5 pm close the front gate behind you. We want
> museum visitors to go to the front lobby and not wander through the middle
> of the campus. Outside of those times, you can feel free to leave the gate
> open.
> Park across from 9032 or 9010A on any blacktop area. InfoAge doesn't like
> us parking on the lawn anymore.
> Please ask me (Jeff Brace) or Evan. My cell is 732-759-1783 and Evan’s is
> 646-546-9999 in case you need to contact us.
> See everyone there! And have fun!
> Attachments area

Evan Koblentz, executive director
Vintage Computer Federation
a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit

evan at vcfed.org
(646) 546-9999


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