[vcf-midatlantic] Known-good IBM joystick?

Bill Degnan billdegnan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 09:35:15 EDT 2018

In IBM systems one typically needs the drivers, controller card, and
joystick to all be designed to work together.  Also, the software often
expects one of a few model joystick to be available.  So, in Evan's case he
needs to look at the software and documentation of the program that will
use the joystick to see what kind of joystick it's looking for.  It may be
that the original IBM PC "Game Control Adapter" is an option, in which case
you'd need something compatible with that.  May be easy and you can get
away with a serial port joystick.  And so on.  From there, find something
compatible, install the drivers into autoexec.bat and config.sys and go
from there.  Newer machines often pair a soundcard like SoundBlaster with a
Microsoft joystick.

Evan may have working joysticks that "don't work" because the drivers are
not yet loaded.


On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 8:38 AM Bob Aviles via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

>  Hi,
>   I have an IBM joystick, look at the picture and tell me if it works on
> your systems.
> Bobby    On Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 1:20:45 AM EDT, Evan Koblentz via
> vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>  I'm having issues with the VCF supply of Kraft joysticks, and there is
> no time to fix them before HOPE. Does anyone have a tested and
> fully-working / known-good IBM (or other non-Kraft) joystick which I
> could borrow? I need it by Friday in order to test it at the museum this
> weekend. Dean said he may have one, but in case he doesn't....
> My backup plan is to program for keyboard control instead of joystick
> control, but that's not nearly as much fun.

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