[vcf-midatlantic] AOL 4.0 on Ebay

Ethan O'Toole telmnstr at 757.org
Mon Jul 23 11:27:53 EDT 2018

> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Original-America-online-disc-for-internet-4-0-WITH-A-100-FREE-HOURS-FOR-MAC-O/263823172607?hash=item3d6d1623ff:g:zv4AAOSwBCtbJehJ
> The last one sold for $10,000+.  I think an AOL 2.5 diskette in original
> package with the Thompson Twins on the package went for $75,000

What am I missing? There are other CDs on there of similar versions but 
different packaging that seem to be $5.

Is the high values only on the Mac versions of the product?

Has anyone tried rebuilding the backend to drive the old AOL software? I 
know someone is working to rebuild a Prodigy back-end.

 			- Ethan

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