[vcf-midatlantic] Makin' Ethernet...
Evan Koblentz
evan at vcfed.org
Tue Jun 5 12:54:00 EDT 2018
> Crimped ends on solid-conductor cable (normally used for station
> wiring) tend not to be reliable, especially if there's any movement or
> vibration.
> I'd highly recommend punching jacks onto either of the cable if it's
> solid-conductor, and using short patch cables to connect the devices
> and switches. Said patch should be stranded cable.(*)
> You can get patch panels cheap for the rack end that hold
> keystone-style jacks. On the device end they can snap into a
> "biscuit" box if visible. Often up in a ceiling, the jacks are just
> left as-is, wrapped in tape if they don't have decent punch block covers.
> This may sound scope-creep-y, but it'll save headaches later.
Yes to all of this.
I was just about to send a similar message to the list, based on
conversations this morning with one of our members who's an enterprise
IT professional and knows all about building codes (which we're subject
to at InfoAge: can't do residential stuff).
So, here is what we will do:
1. Physically hang the cameras on the ceiling
2. Run patch cords from each camera into the attic
3A. Run long stretches of (solid, I guess) Ethernet from the patch
cords, across the attic, and down into the rack vicinity
3B. Where the cables exit the attic, we'll install a piece of electrical
PVC (gray; not the white plumbing stuff)
4. Attic cables terminate into a patch panel
5. Patch cords from the panel into the switch
6. Bask in nerd cred for doing things the professional way
Martin is donating the patch panel and keystones. He advised me to only
install the keystones as they're needed, not all at once, because it's a
lot of easier to terminate them and then snap them into the panel vs.
removing them for termination later or (PITA) trying to wire it when
they are already mounted.
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