[vcf-midatlantic] Applesauce - The protected disk imaging solution

Henry S. Courbis info at reactivemicro.com
Thu Jun 7 15:31:39 EDT 2018

Applesauce made the front page of Hacker News:

As of this email it's #12.  Link goes to the Wiki page.

Henry S. Courbis

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On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 4:22 PM, Henry S. Courbis <info at reactivemicro.com>

> It's official - Applesauce is now being offered for sale.
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/5251478676/permalink/10157597145223677/
> For those looking to learn about Applesauce.
> https://wiki.reactivemicro.com/Applesauce
> In short - it's a preservation solution which allows raw flux images to be
> captured from floppy disks - protected and unprotected alike.  It runs off
> platform via USB.
> It captures all floppy magnetic flux data which is a perfect preservation
> solution unlike cracking or other modification solutions. The original
> disk's contents are preserved 100% and unmodified.  The protection schemes
> are left in place and working.
> From raw images users can make .WOZ formatted files which are smaller,
> timing and bit correct images that can be run in emulators.  Unlike other
> image formats one of the biggest advantage of .WOZ is the ability to
> produce "random bits" (correct emulation of the MC3470) which many of the
> Apple II protections depended on.
> Henry S. Courbis
> Office Toll Free: (800) REACTIVE (732-2848)
> Office/Mobile Direct: (856) 779-1900
> www.ReActiveMicro.com <http://www.ReactiveMicro.com> - Sales, Support,
> and News, Our Headquarters on the Internet
> ReActiveMicro.com/wiki  - Support, Software, Manuals, and History. Create
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