[vcf-midatlantic] Applesauce - The protected disk imaging solution
systems.glitch at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 16:45:16 EDT 2018
Hey man, floppies aren't dead! :P But seriously, I have cases of NOS Athana
DSDD 5.25" media if people need it.
Nice to see another open source project being made widely available.
On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 3:31 PM, Henry S. Courbis via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
> >Looking at the wiki I didn't immediately notice, can it also write disk
> images back out to floppy?
> It's not really in the current scope of the project, but yes it will be
> possible to write back a lot of the protections.
> The platform is open source so others could write software more dedicated
> to this. The main idea however is floppies are dead and probably won't
> make a come back unless someone has some deep pockets and plans to have new
> disks made. Hardware emulators will take over and we will have at least
> have the original preserved. Floppies probably won't go away in the next
> 10 years, but more and more are failing and in increasing numbers. None
> are exempt from this issue.
> The only issue I can see with writing out images back to medium would be
> some companies used drives with several heads, like 20 of them. You can
> see the evidence of this fingerprint with some of the images. None of
> these units are known to exist in the wild. So these images may not be
> able to be written back, or if they are they may not be usable. It's
> unknown currently. However I'm sure someone will see this as a challenge
> and find a way. Doesn't exclude the dying floppy issue however.
> John and I are also working on a new hardware floppy emulator project which
> supports .WOZ files directly since none of the other projects seem to be
> able. More news to come on that also.
> Henry S. Courbis
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> On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 12:36 PM, Ethan O'Toole <telmnstr at 757.org> wrote:
> > It's official - Applesauce is now being offered for sale.
> >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/5251478676/permalink/10157597145223677/
> >>
> >
> > Looking at the wiki I didn't immediately notice, can it also write disk
> > images back out to floppy?
> >
> > - Ethan
> >
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