[vcf-midatlantic] Museum report

Tony Bogan thebogans at mac.com
Mon Jun 25 15:10:57 EDT 2018

Sunday was the polar opposite of Evans day on Saturday. Only 4 visitors all day.....two pairs that came about 10 minutes apart after 4:00pm.

The husband and wife duo were moderately interested, the father and son (adult son) were very interested.

The father walked in and Immediately started to tell his son all about the Bendix in the museum and the one he used to work with....from there it was almost an hour of question and answer. I easily gained as much knowledge as I dispensed!

Prior to those four visitors the day was cemetery quiet. However, I am now #5 on the high score list on PAC-Man on the NeXT cube :-)

I got the VWOA room, bathroom and hallway swept, called John C from infoage who brought over some more TP for the restroom and shot the breeze for a few. I also got a little of the museum swept as well, but a leg injury from last week (carrying chairs and tables on the boats for Father's Day....another story) told me it was time to sit for awhile.

Monday will be my only day off each week for the months of July and August (and most of September) so I will not be docent again for some time.

Sent from my iPhone

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