[vcf-midatlantic] Museum news / today's report

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Thu Jun 28 00:48:27 EDT 2018


I'll be at the museum most Wednesdays from now on, in addition to many 
weekends. This is due to a (positive!) change in my work.

I went today and it was busy. Steady stream of families all afternoon. 
Most of them took full tours, asked good questions, and had children who 
were smart + well-behaved. Jeff B. stopped by to work on something and 
at one point he took a tour group around because I was busy with another 

After public hours ended, I fixed the Lego robot. It had two problems -- 
1. the top forklift sensor was being flaky and saturating it in alcohol 
hadn't helped, so I replaced it; 2. One set of treads kept failing to 
move, which I thought meant performing robot surgery :) to replace that 
side's motor, but I figured out that what actually happened was a drive 
gear had slipped to the side and wasn't sufficiently contacting its 
pinion -- so I moved it back into place and inserted a spacer that will 
prevent it from sliding again, and did the same on the opposite side as 
preventative maintenance. Robot fixed!

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