[vcf-midatlantic] Museum report

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Sat Nov 24 19:47:49 EST 2018

I was at the museum from about 10am to 6pm today.

Spent the first few hours helping IXR/CDL clean up their lab spaces.

Bill L. + Lucy, Pete C. + spouse (Heather?), and Bill W. (aka Amiga 
Bill) + friend all visited today. I gave them the whooooooole tour, and 
Bill W. delivered an IBM PC Jr. to us -- not just any PC Jr. (we have a 
few), but rather a never-opened, sealed-in-boxes unit! It also has two 
of the rare carrying case. He delivered it on behalf of someone who 
contacted us a while ago.

After the museum closed, I spent another hour in the warehouse doing, 
well, warehouse-y things.

Evan Koblentz, executive director
Vintage Computer Federation
a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit

evan at vcfed.org
(646) 546-9999


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