OT: Festivus Apple Wants

Tony Bogan thebogans at mac.com
Mon Nov 26 19:42:05 EST 2018

Spent the past month having to move into multiple new storage units (a blessing in disguise as I was far more disorganized than I thought I was!!)

I’m already bringing a couple Macintosh IIci’s for Herb and the iic I was working on for Eric Rangell, so I figured I’d see if anyone has any specific Apple II/compact Mac requests. I’ve got quite a few books and manuals in triples and quadruples, many unworking machines (both apple ii+ & Apple iie as well as Mac Plus & SE) that I just haven’t had the time to work on yet. Plus I’ve got quite a few accessories and literally hundreds of cards for the II series. If anyone is looking for a project machine (unworking) or a working one, plus any accessories let me know. If I have it I’ll bring it and we can figure out a price if any. Some things are for the taking to give me room to move!! :-)

Books and manuals I’ve got in spades so ask away! (Off list might be less cumbersome!)


Sent from my iPhone

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