[vcf-midatlantic] Intro

dillera at gmail.com dillera at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 19:25:03 EST 2018

> On Nov 27, 2018, at 6:30 PM, Evan Koblentz <evan at vcfed.org> wrote:
> Good intro! Welcome, again.
> We're having a "Vintage Computer Festivus" holiday party this weekend at the museum. It starts around 10am Saturday and ends when the last nerd drops Sunday afternoon. Many of us are staying overnight. Interested?
> >> My collection ranges from Cannon Cats
> Oooooh. We don't have one of those in the museum collection. Just saying. :)

Yes- for some reason I didn't realize there was an actual computer museum there. While at the Vintage Festivals I've gone thru the Museum in the 'middle' of the grounds but that was all TV and Radio exhibits. Where is the actual Computer Museum? Is it on the grounds of the Marconi buildings? And it's open every weekend? If I can't make it to festivus I will be out there some weekend soon to see this. I will try to make it to festivus if I can.

The Cats are strange- I like them because they are so out of the mold of almost every other machine UI ever created. I've been tempted many times to get a table at one of the Vintage Festivals with a "Cat vs. MacSE" setup (really Steve Jobs vs. Jeff Raskin) - with printers for each system all setup and running. The challenge is to type out a simple cover letter on each system and print it. I predict that 99% of the people will do it on the Mac SE without issues, while .05% will be able to do it on the Cat :)


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