[vcf-midatlantic] Intro

dillera at gmail.com dillera at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 20:38:01 EST 2018

No photo- the photo is at the link I posted.

So was my college - UMCP (university of MD @ College Park) I actually had 2 IBM RTs - that had the original ROMP RISC chip, pre-POWER. They were in an instructors closet (the were old by the time even I was there) and they had the SystemV Academic Version of UNIX - not AIX. Of course they are long gone from me.. really should have kept that one.

The asset management app is really nice - Snipe-IT - https://snipeitapp.com/ and code is https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it

I looked for a long time and it's the nicest totally free, linux/php/mysql based package out there. I've used it with their vagrant install to play around with on my mac, and then just set it up on a small linux server I keep around. There are USB scanners on amazon for $20 and a set of 500 asset bar-code tags for like $10 I think. It works very nicely.


> On Nov 28, 2018, at 1:43 PM, Jameel Akari via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> If you attached/embedded a photo, I think it got stripped from the mailing list.
> Nice, I'm also into 90's *nix workstations.  My college was deep into IBM, so as a result of working in the buildings where we threw out machines, I have a pretty deep stack of RS/6000s and parts. ;)  Also SGI, Sun, and DEC.  I feel like I need an HP PA-RISC box to round it out.
> What are you using for your asset-management app?  I keep meaning to write something to keep inventory...
> -- 
> Jameel Akari

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