[vcf-midatlantic] Kind of OT: RS-485 to DMX-512

Ethan O'Toole telmnstr at 757.org
Fri Nov 30 19:34:36 EST 2018

> And DMX512 isn't so non-vintage computing related.  I did some faux lighting 
> panels for a Thinking Machines CM-2 recently.  The controller is built around 
> an ESP32 with BT/Wifi.  I thought about adding support for artnet so the 4096 
> individually dim-able LEDs can be controlled with standard DMX universes :) 
> Have to finish the project in January.  Would be a good way for non-technical 
> museum people to setup lighting patterns.
> -Alan

CM/2? Where!? The one at the Mountain View Computer History Museum? I only 
know of that CM2 in the wild, along with the Frostberg CM-5 at the NSA 
museum up the road in Maryland.

A Cray and a Thinking Machines were my two "grails." I managed to get one, 
and the sheer weight let it be the final big machine grail :-) When I saw 
the CM-5 at the NSA Cryptographic Museum I was floored to find out it was 
some 9' high and is likely to cause difficully going into a truck. Not to 
mention through a normal door!

 			- Ethan

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