[vcf-midatlantic] Epson! Tandy! Full weekend report...

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Sun Oct 21 22:03:52 EDT 2018

Very good weekend at the museum!

Yesterday and today were slow, visitor-wise, but we did lots of other 
great stuff.

Saturday: I brought the Mimeo to the 4th annual Jersey Shore Makerfest. 
VCF table was busy most of the day. Educated lots of people about the 
history of Apple and about VCFed/InfoAge. Also got a good lead for a 
potentially interesting artifact.

Today: Kelly organized our Epson collection and most of our Tandy 

Before, the Epson collection took up 4/5th of one shelving unit and 
parts of two pallets. Now it's all on a single shelving unit and we put 
aside eight surplus computers that will be available at Festivus first, 
workshops (Jan, Feb, March, April) second, and VCF East (May) third.

Here's a picture of the surplus machines. (We did not yet sort through 
the keyboards; no guarantee of those being available.)


No, we didn't leave them stacked like that. The stack was only for the 
picture. They're very safely in two piles of four computers each.

Here is the newly pared-down Epson collection -- "Kelly not included":

https://tinyurl.com/ycxgv8tr -- these are what we're keeping.

On the Tandy side, before we had four over-stuff shelving units; now 
it's three, not counting the Model 1 and a CoCo (model 2 or 3, I forget 
which) both in the museum. I didn't get pictures.

Surplus-wise, there are four of five CoCos (models 1, 2, 3).

Thank you Kelly for your hard work today.

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