[vcf-midatlantic] Hard drive art

Brian Brubaker brianbrubaker at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 16:10:39 EDT 2019

It seems you've missed my intentions, all I'll say is I thought of all
people you all could appreciate my art, if I was wrong, I'm very sorry
to have bothered you.

Before you start calling someone unintelligent you might want to avoid
threats in a digital medium.

On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 3:05 PM Dave McGuire via vcf-midatlantic
<vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> On 4/16/19 2:49 PM, Sentrytv wrote:
> > Have you never seen the 57 chevy trunk couch?
> >
> > Or T bird, or Cadillac....
> > People have the right to do what they want with their stuff.
>   A get your point, but that's a very selfish attitude.  This stuff also
> belongs to history.  And when people pointedly seek it out with the
> intention of destroying it, competing with others in order to get it,
> well, there's just nothing cool about that.  "Art" or any other such
> crap notwithstanding.
>   And then the audacity to come into a forum full of people who work to
> recover and restore this type of equipment, and flaunt it!  "Hey guys, I
> know you love and use this hardware, so look how I bought it out from
> under you and destroyed it!"  ...this falls short of what I would
> consider to be intelligent behavior.
>   Now, crashed drive platters, in particular, are a different matter.
> They will never run again.  But an functional or restorable drive?  Like
> I said, avoid dark alleys..
>              -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
> New Kensington, PA

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