[vcf-midatlantic] 1990s Unix Workstation Sub-Group

dillera at gmail.com dillera at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 11:35:36 EST 2019

Ok sounds good.

Anyone else interested- please let me know if you can meet up at the Repair Sat Jan 12th at the Info center. I'll be there.

Hopefully some people can show up and we can discuss and make some solid plans for VCF-E '19. If not there is always Feb to meet.

i'll work on getting a mailing list setup "Retro Unix" - is that something VCF can do Evan? 

If not I can setup a list somewhere, but I'd like it to be on VCF if that is a possibility.

And also some channels on Discord, which if you are willing to login is very awesome and has allowed our little SGI team to do amazing work with people across the globe - with much faster realtime communications and images. Email is a little bit slower but also good in conjunction w/ Discord to keep a more permanent record and archive about what is going on.


> On Jan 4, 2019, at 11:17 AM, alan--- via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> Not going to make East this year.  And will likely have to cancel my PNW plans due to other commitments.  Going to shoot for West and Berlin later in the year.
> But you shouldn't have any trouble with UNIX minis in the NJ 'ground central for UNIX development' area. :)
> -Alan
> On 2019-01-04 09:59, dillera at gmail.com wrote:
>> For VCF Mid-Lantic there are a number of SGI ppl coming and will get
>> two tables. You are going to do yours at SE- do you plan to attend
>> mid-lantic this year?

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