[vcf-midatlantic] 1990s Unix Workstation Sub-Group

J. Alexander Jacocks jjacocks at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 10:30:49 EST 2019

As most know, I'm a massive *nix fan, with a serious love for 68k
machines...I've been working professionally on them since 1992, and
personally since forever.

However, I'm not a discord/slack/etc. fan.  I propose keeping discussion on
this list, or on the existing VCFed message board.  I agree with Ethan and
Mike: no more new comms methods.  They just serve to scatter information.
Now, an official VCFed wiki, on the other hand, would be quite welcome, and
would be useful to fans of all vintage software and hardware.

- Alex

On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 8:41 PM Lou via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> Oh man, well I guess I have to let the cat out of the bag now that I was
> actually planning on doing a workstation Unix exhibit for this upcoming
> East as my first exhibit. The main reason for this aside from my love of
> Unix and all of its flavors is that we are approaching on the 50th birthday
> of Unix itself this year! It would have been a great way to celebrate Unix
> and its impact to the world.
> Hearing all about this though, this makes things even more better! I
> already talked to Andy on the matter and we are considering on doing a
> group/team effort for this exhibit now. More people means more examples of
> Unix for us to show off and really show off its impact in computing and in
> the industry. I already have been hunting down examples for the exhibit for
> more than a year now and have a NeXT system, a few Suns, a few SGI's that
> need some work, and hopefully soon an HP-UX machine. I am also hoping on
> getting my hands on a AT&T PC7300/3B1 Unix PC from Glitch in the near
> future as well once we can work things out.
> Also while I do not want to jump the gun too soon I might also be getting
> my hands on a PDP-11 as well through some remarkable luck, but this is
> still up in the air.
> A mega Unix workstation/system exhibit this year for East would be
> genuinely awesome, and knowing that this will be a team effort will make
> things all the better!

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