[vcf-midatlantic] Repair Day Next Sat 12th - What to expect?
Tony Bogan
thebogans at mac.com
Mon Jan 7 07:44:19 EST 2019
Andy, if you remember VCF, the workshop is in the room at the bottom of the ramp from the “reception hall” or main exhibit room, with the big concrete floor where my Apple display was setup in the middle. Right by the double doors to outside where we all unloaded our stuff to setup for VCF
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 6, 2019, at 10:13 PM, Evan via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>> I'm not that awesome w/ soldering, mostly due to lack of experience. I'm
>>> bringing my own soldering iron.
>> There are plenty of members to help you with that at the workshop.
>>> This will be my first one- just want to check and make sure what is going
>>> to happen will happen - is the main room used like at Festivus? Assuming
>>> that ppl that come must bring everything they need for work, or are there
>>> things there from VCF to use? (Irons, monitors, network etc) ?
>> No it will be in the "main" building called 9032-A. I will send out a
>> reminder with all the info soon.
> Andy: in time you will learn your way around the campus and the zany building number scheme installed here by the Army in 1941. :)
> VCF has some tools available to borrow (including a nice desoldering station) but mostly people bring their own.
> As you can see here on the list, and as you learned in person at Festivus, we're all happy to share/help. That is what makes the group awesome!
> Unlike at VCF East (and to a lesser degree Festivus) -- when we're fairly specific about details -- the workshops are pretty much show up, pick a table, and have at it.
> Jeff B. is in charge of the workshop logistics. The email he sends will cover the hours, event fee, where to park, etc.
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