[vcf-midatlantic] Museum Report 2019-01-20
Tony Bogan
thebogans at mac.com
Sun Jan 20 22:32:56 EST 2019
> On Jan 20, 2019, at 10:24 PM, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> Low number of visitors due to the cold, windy weather.
> I worked on VCF admin stuff during my time there.
> Tony stopped by and we talked about improvements to the exhibits and making
> guides for docents.
> --
> =========================================
> Jeff Brace
> Vice President
> Vintage Computer Federation
Neglected my museum report from yesterday, my apologies. Saturday started quiet but got busier as the day progressed. Had several very interested couples and some ‘drivebys’ as well. Evan had to man the front desk at Infoage so I was in the museum.
Bill inderieden stopped by for the last part of the day and Ken G. hung out most of the afternoon.
Spent the early part of the day while it was quiet working on the Apple II keyboard. It had 8 or 9 keys that either repeated or took several presses to work. Got them all working good and then after reassembly had two more decide they’d start acting finicky!!
I’ll get them next time I’m at the museum.
Refined my Altair demo instruction sheet and started on an Apple II docent manual as well. Also identified a few micros that need some attention, perhaps at the next workshop.
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