[vcf-midatlantic] Apple IIe Duodisk Disk Drive

Tony Bogan thebogans at mac.com
Fri Jan 25 12:00:04 EST 2019

> On Jan 25, 2019, at 11:14 AM, Michael Pohl via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> My son and I have an Apple IIe with a Duodisk 5.25 floppy drive.  The
> floppy drive drive suddenly stopped loading programs but still lights up
> and make the same loud turning noise when a disk is inserted.
> I did some research and see that we can't load programs from drive B on the
> Duodisk, but that we can open it up and swap the B drive to the A
> location.  Of course, that won't solve the problem if the problem is with
> the controller card or circuit board in the Duodisk.
> Any opinions on whether we should (a) assume there's a mechanical issue
> move froward with the swap or (b) do additional diagnostic work with the
> control card and Duodisk circuitry?  If (b), what should we try?
> Thx,
> Mike Pohl

In all likelihood the drive head just needs to be cleaned. Disassemble the unit and clean the head (you should clean both drive heads while it’s apart!) with isopropyl alcohol.

Unless you have a cleaning disk with cleaning solution in which case that will more than likely fix your problem without disassembling the drive.

If you’re coming to the workshop in February I can help as I’ve taken them apart numerous times. Dirt and more commonly mold/mildew from old Floppies will stop the drive from reading and/or writing disks. I’ve had disks that would kill any drive they were put in, and only a head cleaning would solve the problem even though no residue or debris was visible to the naked eye on the heads.

I also have cleaning disks.


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