[vcf-midatlantic] AppleSauce
Henry S. Courbis
info at reactivemicro.com
Thu Jan 31 19:07:44 EST 2019
Applesauce info:
John's Website:
>We (Ian, Alex J., etc.) can build it at the next workshop.
Shouldn't be much to "build". Just connect to a Mac and load the client
software. Done. It's really that simple.
>this thing should be able to make exact working copies.
"Crate an image" is more in line with what it does. I know John had been
working on the client's ability to write images back out to floppy, however
it wasn't his core concept or feature push. And some protections can't be
written back out as they used special drives or production methods the Disk
II can't reproduce. So writing success may be limited.
You can however make raw and .WOZ images for use in emulators, which are
exact as possible images with the protection intact. Jason Scott for
example has a live stream setup when using Applesauce for Internet Archives
https://www.twitch.tv/textfilesdotcom. So you can get an idea of how it
works as well as how to use the UI there.
I've been twisting John's arm a bit and we might even get to work on a
hardware based emulator soon to make use of the new image files. He's also
working on setting up a server to host images users have created.
Henry S. Courbis
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On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 9:31 AM Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> John Morris donated the deluxe version of his new-ish "AppleSauce" disk
> imaging hardware to us (it should arrive in a week or so.)
> We (Ian, Alex J., etc.) can build it at the next workshop.
> It requires a Mac with OS version 10.11 or newer. John said that's pretty
> much any Mac from mid-2009 or newer.
> So everyone is welcome to bring uncracked Apple II disks to the next
> workshop, and this thing should be able to make exact working copies.
> Wish I had that in 7th grade! Got in trouble for trying to copy Newsroom.
> :) Copy II+ wasn't up to the task.
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