[vcf-midatlantic] Museum report

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Wed Mar 20 22:33:14 EDT 2019

Slow day visitor-wise. Only a few people stopped by today.

Steve A. came over at 5:00 and we spent two hours sorting books in the 
warehouse. The slow-but-steady project continues! We constantly put 
aside unneeded books (to sell) and we re-box the books the books that 
we're keeping (to eliminate boxes that are odd-sized or falling apart). 
Each time, we're left with more floor space. Eventually we will finish 
separating the keeps from the sells, and then we can embark on phase two 
which is organizing the kept stuff. Making floor space is a satisfying 
experience, but it will feel GREAT when the books/magazines are as 
well-organized as the hardware!

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