[vcf-midatlantic] UNIX TOWN --- Repair Workshop Signup for March 30 & 31, 2019

Ethan O'Toole telmnstr at 757.org
Wed Mar 27 13:11:17 EDT 2019

> Anyone that is participating in UNIX Town at the VCF East --- if you 
> have availability to meet up at the Repair Day SAT - the 30th please do 
> attend.

Unfortunately I have a SCUBA class that day and can't make it.

I am ordering a SCSI2SD for my TT030, I already got the video adapter in, 
and will image off the Atari UNIX for it.

Will pull out the Sun Voyager that I'm bringing to unixtown soon as well.

> My Idea is to try and get a MUD running on one of our systems, and have 
> a common set of accounts setup across the systems we network together so 
> people can stop by, use a terminal and login and play some MUD or jump 
> around to different machines.

Good idea!

Maybe come up with IP scheme in advance for all the hosts? Maybe a hosts 
file and accounts we should add?

 			- Ethan

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