[vcf-midatlantic] 11/9 & 11/10 Workshop

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Wed Nov 13 10:26:46 EST 2019

> I got the Museum 3B1 operating again.

Thanks very much.

> I put in a MFM hard drive emulator

Send a message to Corey and I if you need reimbursement for that.

> My original plan was to route an Ethernet cable from the emulator down into an unused expansion slot to allow easy access to update/backup the image on the emulator. I found the machine had all the slots full so couldn't do that.
> One has a memory board, the second a RS-232 & memory board, and the third the DOS-73 PC DOS board. For now the cable tucked behind the drive which requires the case to be opened to get to it. If we decide that we want better access there are a couple options.
> 1) Snake a cable out through the case such as the non used left side fan. Its convenient and won't be too visible but probably not the best option since I can be seen.
> 2) See if a smaller cable such as USB can still be snaked into the center expansion slot which has an easy to remove cover. The beaglebone in the emulator supports Ethernet over USB.
> 3) Wireless. The 3B1 has extensive shielding so probably would have to remote the antenna to outside the metal drive enclosure. This is probably overkill.
> I gave a quick walk-through to Jeff on what can currently be demoed.
> Future plans are to finish installing useful programs for demo on an emulator at home and update the image in the museum machine next time I visit. I'll also document what is installed and how to demo.

Sounds good.

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