[vcf-midatlantic] SYM-1 for sale

jsalzman at gmail.com jsalzman at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 09:46:55 EDT 2020

Not to burst your bubble on pricing, looking at sold results on eBay will
give you a more market based pricing. Here's one of two that sold recently
for about $140, shipping included.


On Thu, Aug 20, 2020, 9:38 AM Bob Applegate via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> I’m slowly working on liquidating my collection of stuff from multiple
> hobbies that completely fill my basement,  and will be posting things as
> they are tested and ready to go.
> While looking on eBay to get a rough price for a SYM-1 I discovered this
> link:
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-Museum-Item-SYM-1-With-Briefcase-Power-Supply-Works-ships-Worldwide/154005097736?hash=item23db6b4d08:g:R7AAAOSwVkBd-6cX
> Well, I’ve got exactly the same thing, so some school or company must have
> made a few of these for portable trainers.  A decent job packing it all
> into a briefcase.  Anyway, mine is much more economically priced.
>    http://k2ut.org/yard-sale/
> I’ve got some Heathkit stuff to test, including a Hero Jr robot, and then
> I’ll post them.
> Email me privately if interested.
> Bob

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