Museum Report: 22 August 2020
svcatitc at
svcatitc at
Sun Aug 23 14:53:38 EDT 2020
Dylan and I opened up around 12:50p
Dylan got the space powered up while I checked us in at the "Hotel".
Slow day. We only had 1 couple with a relative(?) who was one of the RTM docents, escorting them around campus.
I took them up Big Iron Row, and allowed Dylan to take them through 8 Bit / DIY Row.
Other Chores:
I made the IBM PS2 auto-load Windows 3.11 via the AUTOEXEC.BAT file edit.
Dylan made a Smiley face in Paint, so I configured it to load automatically in the STARTUP group. I also added a technical drawing from my archives that was done in Windows Paint some years back. It illustrates what can be done using Paint with some patience and time.
The drawing can be found from the PAINT minimized icon on the desktop and use FILE & OPEN.
We closed up around 5:15p
Bill Inderrieden
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