[vcf-midatlantic] Help Wanted: InfoAge Part Time

Jeffrey Brace jeffrey at vcfed.org
Tue Aug 25 21:41:35 EDT 2020

Mike Ruane is looking for:

Someone who wants to work part time for 8-10 hours per week.  The person
would work with Gloria (Mike's Administrative Assistant) and be able to
back her up when she is out.  The schedule would be two days at 4-5 hours
per day depending on what schedule they work out and the salary would be
$15.00 per hour.  Computer skills and knowing Excel would help.

If you know anyone, please contact Mike Ruane:
thejamesthomasgroup at comcast.net

Jeff Brace
Vice President & Board Member
Vintage Computer Festival East Show-runner
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
jeffrey at vcfed.org
cell: 732-759-1783

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