[vcf-midatlantic] Found treasure - Fluke 9010A

Richard Cini rich.cini at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 17:27:15 EDT 2020

Yes, I agree. Interestingly enough, I got most of my manual copies from a pinball site. Most of what I work on now are Z80 things, but I have some 8086 stuff. 

Rich Cini

On 8/26/20, 5:22 PM, "vcf-midatlantic on behalf of Ethan Dicks via vcf-midatlantic" <vcf-midatlantic-bounces at lists.vcfed.org on behalf of vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

    On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 4:51 PM Richard Cini via vcf-midatlantic
    <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
    > I was looking in the attic for something and a box I thought was empty actually contains a Fluke 9010A debugger with an 8080 pod. I used it for one of my first projects debugging my Altair -- 15 years ago I’m guessing. I thought I sold it, but I guess not
    > If anyone has a Z80 or 8086 pod for it, keep me in mind!
    I'm also looking for a Z80 pod.  Mine came with the 68000 pod (we used
    it for testing/debugging COMBOARDs, but it works great on Amigas!) and
    I purchased a 6502 pod some years back.  I'd love an 1802 pod but
    those are scarce.  Z80 pods are not scarce but because of pinball
    machines, they aren't cheap.
    Fantastic tool.  I most recently used mine to track down a bad DRAM on
    a WCS Daughterboard on an Amiga 1000 that was throwing a cyan screen.
    It was perfect for flipping the WCS write bit and testing WCS RAM.

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