[vcf-midatlantic] The good old days of user groups.

Mike Loewen mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Wed Aug 26 23:26:52 EDT 2020

On Wed, 26 Aug 2020, Dave McGuire via vcf-midatlantic wrote:

> On 8/26/20 11:10 PM, Jeffrey Jonas via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
>>  replying to Herb Johnson:
>>  A major offshoot of user groups/clubs was shareware.
>>  SIG/M was a library of over 100: 8" floppies freely shared by the CP/M
>>  groups.
>>  There were IBM 1130 groups in the 70s that shared software and
>>  newsletters.
>>  SHARE was for IBM mainframe folks to share software, libraries,
>>  documentation, etc.
>  SHARE is still going strong; last year's was here in Pittsburgh.  It was so 
> huge that it snarled traffic in and around the city for the entire week.
>             -Dave

    I attended a SHARE conference in San Francisco in 2002, mostly for the 
RS6000/AIX stuff. When they found out I was a programmer rather than a 
high-powered network administrator, I was treated like a 2nd-class citizen.

Mike Loewen				mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Old Technology				http://q7.neurotica.com/Oldtech/

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