[vcf-midatlantic] Virtual Festivus 2020 Agenda

Dean Notarnicola dean.notarnicola at vcfed.org
Thu Dec 10 11:13:43 EST 2020

Starting at 1:00 PM on Saturday, December 12th we will have a
*Virtual Festivus* presentation Google Meet, streamed to YouTube.

*The proposed agenda*:
Steering Committee Annual Review - *DEAN NOTARNICOLA*
Steering Committee Plans for the Future - *DEAN NOTARNICOLA*
VCF National Board Update - *JEFF BRACE*
VCF Financial Update - *COREY COHEN*
Questions, concerns and comments from the membership - *DEAN NOTARNICOLA*
Steering Committee Election Results - *DEAN NOTARNICOLA*
Chat with the new VCF-MA Steering Committee members - *DEAN NOTARNICOLA*
Annual Festivus Toast - *DEAN NOTARNICOLA*

*Google Meet Link*: meet.google.com/gte-noys-jwn (*Do not share*)
 - Breakout rooms TBA

1) Please mute yourself and raise your virtual hand to ask a question.
2) As this is an interactive event, *please do not share this meeting code*
with anyone not on the VCF mailing list.
3) Feel free to share the YouTube streaming channel below!

*Shareable link to the YouTube stream*:
*OR look in our YouTube Channel*:

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Committee member election. We
look forward to speaking to you on Saturday!

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