[vcf-midatlantic] OT: Looking for 35MM movies, projection equipment, etc

Ethan O'Toole telmnstr at 757.org
Mon Dec 28 18:20:41 EST 2020

Odd one, but I got a wild hair to try to bring home a 35mm movie projector 
if I can find one (Century, Simplex, Christie, Norelco, etc.) The 35MM 
movies can be hard to find. Anyone know any leads?

I see a bunch of ebay with high asking prices and 0 sales ever. Then at 
commercial auctions the projectors go for $60ish and the platter systems 
for $40ish.

I am aware of the explosion risk, high power usage, and insaity of my 

Any leads on projectors, sound hardware or 35MM movies?

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