[vcf-midatlantic] Hayes 300bps SmartModem for museum exhbit?

Adam Michlin amichlin at swerlin.com
Sat Feb 1 11:29:26 EST 2020

I'm learning more and more. Since the exhibit is primarily motivated to 
honor CBBS and the passing of Randy Seuss, I'm doing some research on 
the modem originally used for CBBS.

Was it the Hayes (internal S100) listed below? Seuss himself just 
mentions a "Hayes 300 baud modem card" at:


I had thought to limit the exhibit to only external modems, but the 
direct connection to CBBS is hard to pass up. I'm even thinking we can 
do something slightly bigger to honor Seuss, but that's getting ahead of 
things (yet ideas are always welcome!).

On 1/30/2020 2:54 PM, William Sudbrink via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> If you would like some really early Hayes examples, I have a couple of these:
> http://www.s100computers.com/Hardware%20Folder/DC%20Hayes/103/103%20Modem.htm
> and a couple of these:
> http://www.s100computers.com/Hardware%20Folder/DC%20Hayes/100/Micromodem.htm
> with the microcouplers.  I'd be happy to loan one of each, but I probably won't get
> up to Wall until VCF.
> Bill S.

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