[vcf-midatlantic] Friday Class ideas - VCF East 2020
Douglas Crawford
touchetek at gmail.com
Sun Feb 2 21:36:24 EST 2020
On 2/2/2020 11:33 AM, Adam Michlin via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> I'll just put this out there to everyone in case someone is both
> qualified and interested in offering such a class.
> It may be just because I'm frustrated with the lack of history
> coverage in my graduate level OS class this semester (which started
> with UNIX in 1967 and continued on to BSD and SysV then to Linux,
> ahem), but I've become really interested in the OSes used in the past
> that are not UNIX. Particularly VMS, TOPS-10, TOPS-20 (aka TENEX, I
> think, originall written by BBN for DEC, not by DEC, TIL), OS/360,
> Multics and I'm sure there are bunch more!
> I'm not even embarrased to share that I only recently learned the the
> PDP-10 was a mainframe and the PDP-11 was minicomputer (I knew the
> minicomputer part - but naively assumed the PDP-10 was just a revision
> between the PDP-8 and PDP-11). Very confusing!
> Maybe a class that combines some history and hands on use (by the
> teacher... I don't know how we could do by the students - maybe one
> day!)?
> Probably on my mind as we shift the focus in the museum towards more
> and more hands on use. A museum only needs so many UNIX<tm> machines
> to type ls into, right?
> On 2/2/2020 10:45 AM, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
>> So we are filling up fast on the Friday classes at VCF East 2020, but
>> some
>> instructors are looking for ideas that people really want.
>> So what are topics that everyone wants us to do?
> Its an excellent idea!
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