[vcf-midatlantic] Blinken lights for the Pidp8 ?

Bill Degnan billdegnan at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 13:57:26 EST 2020

I made a build that switches between the lights programs and the simH
program, but you can't run them both at the same time without restarting
the system because of the way each works with the lights.  So, I made
scripts to do the work.  The lights program is called Deeper Thought.  Here
is my write up about how to get simH and Deeper Thought running on the same



On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 1:41 PM Neil Cherry via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> I finally found the missing chip for my PIDP8 (I thought it was a ULN
> chip, it's not).
> And I've be successful at running advent  on it (yea). I recall someone
> mentioning
> that there was one program that was a program that would basically
> exercise the
> display while it was running. Does anyone recall which program that might
> be? I won't
> have time to dig into the PIDP8 and actually learn to properly load from
> the display.
> At least not for a few more months.
> Thanks
> --
> Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry at linuxha.com
> http://www.linuxha.com/                         Main site
> http://linuxha.blogspot.com/                    My HA Blog
> Author of:      Linux Smart Homes For Dummies

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