[vcf-midatlantic] we need an endearing term for our computer pioneers/founders

Christian Liendo cliendo at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 23:36:36 EST 2020

On Fri, Jan 10, 2020, 5:19 PM Jeff Salzman via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> I meant no disrespect for the EOL suggestion, and I'm sure those who
> initially agreed with it meant no disrespect either. It literally means
> "End of Life." Calling it cold or insensitive is a matter of perception.
> When our precious computer systems eventually reach their EOL, do we forget
> about them? No. We remember all the best of what they did and we pass that
> information on to a younger generation of computers to carry on that
> knowledge and purpose. It doesn't invalidate anything the former computer
> has done.

I don't think anyone who made suggestions meant any disrespect. I'm sorry
if I have that impression, I didn't mean to. I think many of the ideas work
for us, but I think a family member would more accept "logged off" as that
is what people do, versus End of Line, or End of Life which is what we
apply to computers

I just think we should distinguish the people from the computers or

That's all

Again I'm sorry if I insulated anyone

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