[vcf-midatlantic] Debugging with NMI on the PC
☼ wil lindsay ☼
wm.lindsay at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 20:56:54 EDT 2020
Hi Rich (and all),
I'm very new to the list, and way out of my league in this conversation,
but this is one of the more interesting emails to hit my inbox in a few
Can you elaborate on the "hack something together" part of the Bios
If there is some novel wiring in there, it may be an opportunity to insert
some sort of external debugger (microcontroller based or such). --Even
lighting up some external LEDs through an I/O could let you know where or
what is happening - though that may be the same as calling INT 03H .
-Wil Lindsay
On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 7:13 PM Richard Cini via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> All –
> I’m working on an S100 project with my Gazelle (a VGA
> board) which is based on a standard Trident VGA chip. The BIOS on the video
> board relies on a PC BIOS (which doesn’t exist for the Gazelle) so I’ve had
> to hack something together for it to make it work. The BIOS is barfing
> somewhere in the initialization, but it’s a hard crash so resetting it to
> regain control destroys the context. I’m running under MSDOS 2.01.
> I remember that there were debuggers like Periscope or
> SoftICE that could trap NMI, but I need it to be pure character-based like
> MS-DOS debug. Does anyone know of any debuggers like this? There was one
> by Paul Vojta, which I have the code for, but that doesn’t trap NMI. I
> wonder if I could just have the NMI call INT 03H (debug break) since they
> all trap that.
> Any thoughts or help appreciated. Thanks!
> Rich
> --
> Rich Cini
> http://www.classiccmp.org/cini
> http://www.classiccmp.org/altair32
Wil Lindsay
Wm.Lindsay at gmail.com
@straytech at mastodon.sdf.org <http://twitter.com/strayTech>
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